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Diamondback Quad Barracks - Cell B
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since: May 25, 2001
1. Diamondback Quad Barracks - Cell B
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Arcen knocked quietly on Cell B's door just above the name panel and waited resignedly for it to open.

He was just getting his army properly balanced. Acquiring the twins had been difficult, but well worth the trading effort, and their last simbattle had gone in their favor. The fight with Python next week would put them well up in the charts, and that pleased him.

But the administration had seen fit to transfer out one of his vets and give him another, and that did not.

Her file was brief. She seemed to be a stickler for the rules, but Arcen had heard of Geneva Brooke from Sasha Illiet in Panther. This was going to be a challenge. At least she was a good soldier, and as long as she did her job when it came to Quad rankings, he didn't really care what she did in her spare time.

The door slid open, and he blinked and tried not to stare.

She was almost as tall as he was, tight red ringlets of bright red hair caught up in a mass near the crown of her head. She had the fair skin that generally accompanied redheads, but no freckles, and as she regarded him appraisingly he regained his composure and gave her a small, professional smile.

"Welcome to Diamondback. I'm Arcen, commanding officer for the Quad. You're Geneva?"

Date: May 25, 2001 on 12:43 p.m.
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2. Re:Diamondback Quad Barracks - Cell B
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Geneva turned and saluted smartly. She seemed to default to her military bearing when confronted with an unfamiliar situation.

"Good day, sir," she said a bit formally.

She was wondering why he was here. She assessed him in a blink of an eye. He was a little short for her liking, but not unattractive.

Date: May 25, 2001 on 12:54 p.m.
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3. Re:Diamondback Quad Barracks - Cell B
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He wasn't sure what he was expecting, given her reputation. Something coy, perhaps, or arrogant. Whatever he'd expected, it wasn't this formality. Maybe she was trying to unbalance him, or impress him. He narrowed his eyes a little, but quickly relaxed. There was no point in debating this here. Her conduct in the Sim was what mattered, and he'd see that soon enough.

"At ease, soldier," he said mildly. Females in his Quad didn't bother him unduly. He'd had a few female soldiers transferred into his Quad in the past, and they'd been no better or worse than any of the others, on the whole, and as long as they did their part, he didn't really concern himself with them, and he never struck up anything romantic with a soldier in his own Quad. Too bad he hadn't met this one before she transferred in. "Just stopped in to tell you that we have a fight with Python next week, and I'm checking out all the new transfers. You're a vet, so you know what it's all about; there's a pair of greens next door I've still got to see, so I won't waste your time. Do you have any questions for me?"

Date: May 26, 2001 on 04:39 p.m.
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4. Re:Diamondback Quad Barracks - Cell B
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"Yes,sir?" She began. What questions could she possib ly have? Their briefing was unbearably detailed and she had trouble sitting through the mundane details

"When do I report for the fight?" She asked in him the same formal tone. Her eyes were relaxed and she had a glint in them that was often mistaken for irreverance.

She wanted to start meeting other people and was hoping to have a chance to wander over to the next cell before any official duties began.

Date: May 26, 2001 on 04:48 p.m.
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5. Re:Diamondback Quad Barracks - Cell B
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"The fight is six days from now. You'll report in BattleSim Room B thirty minutes beforehand so we can discuss strategy and practice a few formations against the computer. Eager for battle, neh?" He grinned at her and nodded approvingly. "Your record speaks for itself. Try to get in some practice and keep your mind on your work and we won't have any problems."
Date: May 26, 2001 on 05:07 p.m.
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6. Re:Diamondback Quad Barracks - Cell B
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She looked at him and smiled and relaxed a bit.

“Some would say I keep my mind too much on my work” She says in a self-depricating tone. “ I have been known to be a bit ‘ate-up’” She says referring to the slang that means military born and bread. Those who are known as ”ate-up” tend to take the military as the alpha and the omega in their lives. “ I have been told a little relaxation would do me a world of good.”

She remebered herself and ended with a weak “…Sir!”

Date: May 26, 2001 on 05:14 p.m.
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7. Re:Diamondback Quad Barracks - Cell B
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He gave her a small smile and then turned to leave, but paused as the door to the hallway slid open. "Sounds like you'll fit in perfectly here. Relax all you want, soldier, but if you're late to practice at 1600, I'll transfer you." He gave her a grin that didn't quite make it clear whether or not he was joking and then turned and left the Cell.
Date: May 26, 2001 on 07:08 p.m.
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8. Re:Diamondback Quad Barracks - Cell B
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last updated at May 27, 2001 07:56 p.m. (1 times)
She let himleave without any further comment. Dealing with superiors alway made her feel a bit tense. She felt more comfortable being the superior because she found most of her superiors to be intolerable.

Feeling tense, she decided to wander over to the observatory to relax and perhaps try a bit of star-meditation. This always seemed to help relax her. She could use some company, but hoped the area wasn;t over-run by people.

Date: May 26, 2001 on 08:01 p.m.
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9. Re:Diamondback Quad Barracks - Cell B
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last updated at Jun 05, 2001 06:00 a.m. (2 times)
Geneva stormed into the cell and was relieved to find herself alone. She had just come from the commander’s office where she received a slap on the wrist for being late to his meeting. She would have preferred a full-fledged ass chewing. At least she knew how to deal with that. For the moment, she had to wait until he came back to her with his disciplinary action.

She tried to push this out of her mind and went over to her locker and grabbed her gear. There was some kind of comfort she always took in getting ready for parade. She could not help but have a sense of pride for her uniform and her place in this school. Her mother had tried to talk her out of joining.

“You have such potential, Geneva! You could live a life of great privilege. Why would you throw that away to become a battle rat?”

Her mother never understood anything about Geneva. She was way too busy with her political career to take any notice in her daughter. When Geneva had left to come to battle school, she had to forge her mother’s consent. When her mother found out about it, she could not bring herself to publicly admit that her daughter would be so devious. She allowed the deception to go on. Geneva’s mother had let it be known that if she left for the school, it would not be very warm for her when she returned home. Her mother considered her failure at this to be a foregone conclusion and Geneva had proven her to be wrong at every turn. Geneva excelled at being a soldier, she was born for it. She thrived on the structure and camaraderie that went along with it. She would be damned if she would let anyone take this from her. It was the one thing she could do well.

Suddenly she heard laughter coming from Cell A. She decided to go find out what the commotion was about

Date: Jun 02, 2001 on 08:23 p.m.
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10. Re:Diamondback Quad Barracks - Cell B
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She knew he was trying to needle her. She was not stupid enough to get caught with her pants figuratively around her ankles. She presented her perfectly together kit for his inspection.
She hadn’t meant to be a disruption, she was only trying to help the young pingers out for God’s sake. She was pretty pissed about the whole transfer anyway. She had to try to acclimate to completely new surroundings and she was almost ready to get the hell out of here and onto something real. Now she had obviously pissed off the commander. She knew , from experience, that was not a good thing.

Her thought went back to the moment she found out that she was being transferred,
“Maybe you will not find the next group as titillating” were the words that were used. She had made a mess of things before. She again cursed herself for letting her heart get in the way of what she knew to be best.

This could have been a new start, but this was not the way she had played it out in her mind.

"Sir, presenting as ordered, SIR"

Date: Jun 15, 2001 on 04:35 p.m.
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11. Re:Diamondback Quad Barracks - Cell B
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Her kit was flawless.

Every single useless bit shined and gleamed like it was brand new. Her uniform was pressed, her room in order, her bunk insanely well-made. How had she accomplished this so quickly? She must keep it clean and ready at all times. With the fourth-year curriculum load they often placed on the older students, that was no small accomplishment.

Whatever her personal quirks or flaws, Geneva Brooke had her shit together.

Much of his irritation left him, and he sighed. He would almost have preferred to find her kit in a shambles. It would have given a reason to be angry at her, a reason to yell. As it was, a lot of his ire over her missing the parade review meeting was abandoning him, and that made him angry with himself, but not with her. As useful as it could have been to him, he couldn't transfer that anger, and so he looked at her with a mixture of frustration and grudging respect. "Good kit," he said a little roughly. "Why were you late to the meeting?"

Date: Jun 19, 2001 on 10:54 a.m.
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12. Re:Diamondback Quad Barracks - Cell B
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Geneva looked at him for a moment, as if to collect her thoughts. She had no excuse for being late. She didn’t think he would find the fact that Shasha distracted her to be amusing at all. The only thing she could do is to appeal to his military bearing. She knew she had gained a measure of respect for being prepared at his pop inspection.

“I have no excuse, Sir” she explained “ It will not occur again.”

She longed to tell him how hard it was for her right now. She had been transferred from VIPER Quad without much time to mentally prepare. She found herself in the middle of a huge shit-storm over there and she was pretty sure that Arcen knew all about it. She found it difficult to hold her own knowing that she was promoted up to shut her up. She missed her friends in Viper. They seemed to be the same kind of people as she. She pushed these thoughts from her mind and took in a deep breath.

“Sir, I am attempting to make some connection with my teammates without much success” She said formally. Whenever she was uncomfortable, she reverted to stiff military bearing.

Date: Jun 19, 2001 on 11:02 a.m.
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13. Re:Diamondback Quad Barracks - Cell B
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He looked her over a little more closely, keeping his expression neutral. "Your teammates are not all as prepared as you are for the review tomorrow, Brooke," he said, his voice lightly sarcastic as he folded his hands together behind his back. "I didn't ask you if you had an excuse. I asked you why you were late."

He had been told very little on her transfer form beyond her former Quad and rank. The administration usually gave him something, but all he had was her school records and a single instance of discipline and demerit for getting caught with another soldier in a compromising situation. Those demerits weren't that uncommon, and it was some time ago. Most of the older students had those annoying details planned around by the time they got to be vets.

Besides, it was evident that she hadn't let it interfere with her schoolwork or her battle performance. Another point in her favor. It made him even more curious to find out why she'd allowed herself to be late to a meeting, given her good habits.

Date: Jun 19, 2001 on 11:16 a.m.
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14. Re:Diamondback Quad Barracks - Cell B
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“ I was distracted by a meditation session in the observatory” she explained. “I lost my focus on time for a moment.”

There was no need to go into that idiot Sasha. She always was kicking herself for being so distracted by those rogues. The commander seemed genuinely interested in her, and she wasn’t sure if this made her feel more at ease or more nervous. She looked at him with curiosity.

Date: Jun 19, 2001 on 12:59 p.m.
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15. Re:Diamondback Quad Barracks - Cell B
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From bad to worse. He was beginning to develop sympathy, and that was a dangerous thing. A commander wasn't supposed to sympathize with his soldiers, beyond the necessary amount to gauge their response to orders, to know how hard he could push them. Maybe they'd made a mistake when they made him commander. Maybe he couldn't take the strain. Maybe that was all a bunch of bullshit, and he was just stressing over the review. Any way it went, punishing Geneva Brooke for coming in late to a meeting when she was the first to be ready for the parade review the next morning was beyond pointless, and making an impression of discipline on the other soldiers had already been satisfied by his publicly calling her into his quarters to yell at her in private.

He was suddenly uncomfortably aware of the discrepancy in their ages. She was older than him by six months at least, and it felt strange to be giving her orders. Was that the source of his unease? Possibly. The fact remained that he was the commander, and he had to act the part, whether he felt like one or not at the moment.

"Alright. Listen, Brooke, I'm not going to bust you over something like missing a meeting. You've got yourself in order, and that's what matters...as long as it stays that way. Clear?"

Date: Jun 19, 2001 on 01:34 p.m.
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16. Re:Diamondback Quad Barracks - Cell B
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She relaxed a bit and smiled" Yes sir" she said warmly " it is very clear.

Maybe this guy wasn't so bad after all. But commanders were strictly off limits based on her previous experience. Her mind clouded for a moment and she shook her head to clear it. She then heard these words come out of her mouth before they went through the internal sensors could edit them.

"I was about to go have a drink, would you care to join me and perhaps give me some advice on how to succeed in this Quad?"

Date: Jun 19, 2001 on 05:11 p.m.
Diamondback Quad Barracks - Cell B
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