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Timetables and Unfun.
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in Fleet Admiral

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since: Mar 03, 2001
1. Timetables and Unfun.
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So. Our main problem in the past has been an inability to complete things, to lose focus, to see a shiny thing and wander away. In order to combat this I think that this would be an excellent time to indulge in a little healthy goal-setting. We are all busy ladies and we haven't got time to lavish on IFC as we did before, but if we can all agree to check the site at least once or twice a week I think this will work splendidly.

Does everyone think they can manage that requirement? Not POSTING once or twice a week, though hopefully we'll be able to manage that eventually. I mean CHECKING the site once or twice a week. If each of you could reply back with how frequently you think you could give the site a peek (and not on any specific days, just a general idea) then we know where to set our benchmark.

The purpose of this exercise is to gauge how long we should expect to wait AT MAXIMUM between posts. This is not to limit more frequent posting! Once we have this benchmark I can construct a time table for us to evaluate open lines for activity and close or tie them off when we decide each area is done, either because we've concluded the event or because we've lost interest. This will help to keep things tidy AND it will help to snap fingers in front of our quick-glazing eyes.

In summary: How many days a week do you think (on average) you might be able to CHECK the site. Not post! Check.

Date: Jun 04, 2009 on 06:23 p.m.
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since: Mar 03, 2001
2. Re:Timetables and Unfun.
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Thanks to the glory of my blackberry, I check this site at least three times a DAY.
Date: Jun 05, 2009 on 06:36 a.m.
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since: Jul 31, 2002
3. Re:Timetables and Unfun.
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I do not have Amy's patience to check it on my Blackberry, but I will check it every work day for sure. I'm on a 9/80 schedule so every other Friday (like today) I may or may not be at the computer, depending on how I implement my fabulous slackage.

I'm happy to commit to a schedule for IFC! And we can still text if we're doing a storyline and going back and forth, so that's cool.

Date: Jun 05, 2009 on 09:52 a.m.
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in Fleet Admiral

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since: Mar 03, 2001
4. Re:Timetables and Unfun.
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I don't think that I'll have any problems checking IFC daily myself, so let's start with every other day and see how that works out. We can always scale back later if it proves too much!

Since we are checking it so frequently, if a topic hasn't been posted in for four days I'm going to put up a query about whether to lock it or let it ride. We may get busy, and if that's the case there's no reason to close something we're working on as actively as we can; on the other hand, there's no reason to leave it open clogging up our to-do list if we're effectively done with it. In the lock it or let it ride query, once I've put that up I'll give it three days for people to respond (as it only takes a moment) and if I get nothing I'm going to close it down. We can always unlock it later if we need to. All you have to do to keep a particular topic open is to say, "hey! Don't close this," and we'll leave it be.

Introductions and all its topics I'm going to leave permanently open; there's no telling when one of us will feel the urge to create a new character.

If someone goes missing or locks us down for an extended period of time we'll have to discuss whether we want to leave it open and work on something else or invent some contrivance to close it. What we will *not* do is hang around for many moons waiting for our recalcitrant companion to close it up before doing anything else. This is the only circumstance in which godding may take place, so be warned! If you lock us, we may puppet your character into a coma / mental breakdown / suddenly-realizing-his-hair-is-on-fire-ness so update mindfully.

Date: Jun 05, 2009 on 12:27 p.m.
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since: Jul 31, 2002
5. Re:Timetables and Unfun.
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Haha, I particularly like the hair-on-fire scenario. And all of that sounds fair. Plus if it's just us, we can pester each other through a variety of methods in the meantime.
Date: Jun 05, 2009 on 04:38 p.m.
Timetables and Unfun.
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