Premium member in Enlisted
     posts: 50 since: Feb 26, 2002 |
Ejan was extremely displeased. After a grueling session with the council and a very unpleasant hour enduring Aryn's wrath, Ejan was frustrated and furious as he slammed open the door to his suite and yanked at his tie. He didn't bother turning on the light, just strode across the sitting room and into his bedroom, trying unsuccessfully to vent his anger on his apparel. HOW DARE THEY try to regulate my social life?! HOW DARE THEY?! I'll spend time with whoever I wish to! What I do with that time is none of their concern. Riya is a woman, and I am a man; what does it matter what her occupation is? She isn't a spy! She's done enough work for them to know she isn't a spy! And it's none of their god be damned business who I choose to spend my time with! I'm not even sleeping with the woman! They obviously don't know as much as they believe. He'd defended himself with much the same argument, and had met stout disbelief. Their lack of respect for him had been the greatest sting; how could he function as an effective member of the council if they didn't trust his judgement? And worst, the worst part, his own sister, his own flesh and blood had stabbed him in the back, voicing in front of everyone her disapproval of his association with Riya. His own sister. Damn you, Aryn. Barefoot and collar undone, he emerged from his bedroom and headed for his private wet bar. Ejan wasn't much of a drinker, but Aryn hated it, and right now he felt the need to prove his independence. He made it almost halfway before he spotted a figure seated in the corner of his room, so still he had to look twice to make sure it wasn't a trick of lighting. He froze. It was too dark for him to make out who it was, but after this evening, Ejan was ready for almost anything. He breathed in, and a faint scent of juniper betrayed his intruder's identity and transformed his adrenaline from fear to excitement. "You could have knocked," he said in mocking reproach. "Would you like a drink?" |
Date: Jan 11, 2003 on 10:42 p.m. |
Premium member in Enlisted
     posts: 166 since: Mar 03, 2001 |
"No," she declined softly, her voice holding just the tiniest hint of amusement. "I do not drink while I am working." Hello, Ejan. She'd been seated in the corner of his room for hours, but still she didn't move, just sat there calmly with her pistol in her lap and her hands folded neatly over it. She was a ghost of white in the shaded, dim room, the weapon and her eyes the only dark imperfections she bore, and the faintest trace of anticipation rippled briefly over her perfect, blank expression. If he recognized the irony of her statement, he made no indication, and Riya watched silently as he made his way to the bar and fixed himself a drink. When he turned back around she took in his disheveled appearance, the lingering traces of anger that had previously disturbed his demeanor, and she toyed with the safety on her gun and waited. |
Date: Jan 11, 2003 on 11:00 p.m. |
Premium member in Enlisted
     posts: 50 since: Feb 26, 2002 |
He poured his drink but didn't actually pick up the glass as her statement sank in. I do not drink while I am working. Lifting the glass, he turned around as casually as he could. His vision had improved after a few minutes in the dark room, and he could make out her outline now, the white of her clothing and hair, and the dark mass in her lap. He wondered if it was the one he'd given her. Would she do that, he wondered? Would she kill him with his own kindness? And was it the hand of the Council on the grip of her pistol or her own? "And we were getting on so well," he murmured with genuine regret. |
Date: Jan 11, 2003 on 11:54 p.m. |
Premium member in Enlisted
     posts: 166 since: Mar 03, 2001 |
"Indeed," she said, before she realized it was true. That thought made her pause. Thoth's opinion of him notwithstanding, they had managed a relatively nonviolent coexistence, and Riya found herself surprisingly reluctant to end this encounter quickly. Instead of what she'd been intending to do, she relaxed her hold on her pistol. There was no rush. He was being polite, and the least she could do was the same. "Although, my partner may not been inclined to think the same." Riya's eyes filled with something akin to teasing, and she almost smiled. "Thus it is fortunate she is not here, do you agree?" |
Date: Jan 12, 2003 on 12:07 a.m. |
Premium member in Enlisted
     posts: 50 since: Feb 26, 2002 |
Ejan nodded once, thoughtfully. "I am sorry I had to leave you both on such short notice. There were pressing matters I had to attend to here." He could almost make out her face now, silver hair surrounding golden skin, deep blue eyes masquerading as black. He knew her features well enough to fill them in. When they'd first met, before he knew her well enough to know his interest would likely come to naught, he'd dreamed of them. In fact, many of his dreams had been very like this - alone with her, a gun in her hand...of course, he hadn't usually painted himself as the target. But on at least one score, Aryn was wrong; he'd known what he was getting into, and rather than trying to think of a way to get out of it, his mind insisted on filling in the details the dark had stolen from him - the delicate point of her chin, the almost invisible eyebrows - and he sighed and set his drink down untouched. "This is not how I imagined you killing me." |
Date: Jan 12, 2003 on 12:15 a.m. |
Premium member in Enlisted
     posts: 166 since: Mar 03, 2001 |
Riya smiled. She hadn't intended to smile; in fact, she thought she was doing rather well, staying expressionless while they bantered back and forth. It wasn't fitting for her to be so amused, and she'd imagined this moment as cold, business-like, one professional to another and both of them understanding why it must be done. She hadn't expected him to be so entertaining, and before she knew it, she was smiling. He took one look at her face and she realized what she was doing, and she instantly lost the grin, but they both knew it had been there. "Funny," Riya managed as flatly as she could. "This is not how I imagined it, either. I had been hoping you might run." |
Date: Jan 12, 2003 on 12:32 a.m. |
Premium member in Enlisted
     posts: 50 since: Feb 26, 2002 |
She smiled. It was fleeting, but it was there, and it lit up her face beautifully. He'd never seen her smile before, and whatever nervousness he'd been feeling unreasonably decided it was no longer needed and gave its room to his new interest in getting her to smile again. "Funny. This is not how I imagined it, either. I had been hoping you might run." He spared a glance for his suite. "There isn't much room for it here," he said apologetically, beginning to walk towards her slowly. "If you prefer it, we could go to the balcony. You could make it look like an accident...and there is a beautiful view." He stopped a few feet in front of her and held out his hand. |
Date: Jan 12, 2003 on 12:41 a.m. |
Premium member in Enlisted
     posts: 166 since: Mar 03, 2001 |
She could do it now. She should do it now, and end this ridiculous exchange. They weren't fooling one another. They both knew why she was there, and what she intended to do, and their talk was dangerous, as the longer he stalled the more she was inclined to stall with him. With this in mind, she placed a firm hand on her pistol and clicked off the safety. He stopped, right there in front of her, his hand still extended... and then she holstered her gun in its place behind her back and stood without his assistance. "I have never killed someone in such a manner," she mused reflectively. "And you have never died. Perhaps it is a night to try new things." She moved past him to open the balcony doors and step outside, and he was right. The view was beautiful, and a bit uncomfortable from being seated for so long, Riya allowed herself a slight stretch before turning to face him again. "Will you jump, or shall I push you? I can certainly be generous enough to allow a choice." |
Date: Jan 12, 2003 on 12:53 a.m. |
Premium member in Enlisted
     posts: 50 since: Feb 26, 2002 |
Ejan considered his options. The moonlight tangled in her hair and showed her eyes for the blue they were. He was closer to her than he'd ever been since he'd dressed her wound in the parking lot in Hiroshima, and after he pushed on the rail tentatively and turned to face her, scant inches separated them. It was a cool night, and there was a refreshing breeze that fluffed her hair and made him feel preternaturally aware, standing on his balcony next to Death's own mistress and wanting very much to make her his instead. He knew her gun was loaded, and that the safety was off; he knew she truly intended to kill him, and that he should be terrified, but he felt alive, incredibly alive, and he couldn't pull his gaze away. "I think," he said with a small smile, "that if I jumped on my own, we would both feel cheated." |
Date: Jan 12, 2003 on 01:03 a.m. |
Premium member in Enlisted
     posts: 166 since: Mar 03, 2001 |
This time she was able to control her reaction enough that only the barest glimmer of a smile showed, but that she would react at all told her how out of hand this was becoming. He kept smiling at her, those honey brown eyes fastened on hers, and Riya considered briefly which would be more entertaining, killing him now or continuing their conversation, and for the first time ever, she chose to talk. "This is true." She was careful to keep him at a manageable distance as she leaned over the railing and looked down toward the ground. It was such a very long fall, and she had an unpleasant image of him scattered below. It made her wrinkle her nose, ever so slightly, in a gesture she often reserved for Thoth's antics, and she shook her head. "But it would cause such a mess." |
Date: Jan 12, 2003 on 01:20 a.m. |
Premium member in Enlisted
     posts: 50 since: Feb 26, 2002 |
"But it would cause such a mess." He nodded, and edged forward just enough. "If I must die," he said in a low voice, "I would prefer that the method please you." Their distance was closer than intimate, and her eyes were dark, fathomless. He couldn't see himself reflected in them. "I would die content," he whispered, "if it would make you smile." And then he kissed her. It was quick and soft and uncomplicated. Her lips were far warmer than he'd imagined, and he straightened and took a single step back, an easy target with no avenue for escape. |
Date: Jan 12, 2003 on 01:38 a.m. |
Premium member in Enlisted
     posts: 166 since: Mar 03, 2001 |
He was close enough for her to touch him, to shoot him, to push him, but before Riya could do any of the above, he did the unexpected. The unthinkable. The unimaginable. He kissed her. Riya had never been kissed before. Only once before had she been so surprised, and that had been into laughter, not passivity. She should have been furious and fought him away, done something, anything, but having absolutely no artifice in place to deal with a kiss and absolutely no experience in manners such as this, she just stood there while his lips touched hers. When he pulled away she stared at him, her eyes dark and bottomless and empty, and she was as disbelieving as when she had been wounded. Incomprehension, childlike or otherwise, left her motionless, and it took a long, long moment before she realized what he had done. No one has done such a thing. That led to darker thoughts, bloody thoughts, and her expression instantly closed in upon itself. There had been a time, long ago, when all she had to trade was herself, but that time had passed and she was no longer powerless. If he had hoped to barter for his life, he had chosen the wrong currency, and her hand reached behind her back to grasp the pistol and bring it up to point at him. "I would die content, if it would make you smile." "Why did you do that?" It was a strangely innocent question, but her expression darkened. "No one touches me. No one." |
Date: Jan 12, 2003 on 02:03 a.m. |
Premium member in Enlisted
     posts: 50 since: Feb 26, 2002 |
He looked down the barrel of her pistol, and noted that it wasn't his before looking into her eyes again. "Because you are going to kill me," he replied, "and there was nothing I wished to do more." |
Date: Jan 12, 2003 on 02:15 a.m. |
Premium member in Enlisted
     posts: 166 since: Mar 03, 2001 |
"I do not understand," she said, but as she held the gun to his head and prepared to pull the trigger, it suddenly became vitally important that she did. She could not fathom affection-- not of this variety, that accepted death in exchange for kisses-- and the only way for her to comprehend his actions was to attempt to think of it as she thought of all things. "I may not have killed you." She steadied the gun. "Someone else would have asked the price of his head. You could have offered me enough to decline. I am not so loyal to your Wolves as to forgo money over duty." Tell me. Tell me why you wished to do such a ridiculous thing, why you kissed me, of anything you could have done, and then I can be free to kill you. Tell me so that I may understand. |
Date: Jan 12, 2003 on 02:35 a.m. |
Premium member in Enlisted
     posts: 50 since: Feb 26, 2002 |
He couldn't look at the gun now. He felt certain that the moment he broke eye contact with her, she would shoot him. "If I had spent an eternity with you," he said steadily, "you would never have allowed it. And you already have enough of my money," he said with a fleeting hint of humor. "I want you to remember me when I am dead. And to smile." He didn't look away, didn't even blink. |
Date: Jan 12, 2003 on 02:50 a.m. |
Premium member in Enlisted
     posts: 166 since: Mar 03, 2001 |
Riya tried to smile, but instead, she pulled the trigger. The bullet missed him by the barest margin, and only because she moved at the last moment and let empty air claim her anger instead of his face. There was an instant where they stared at one another, unblinking and focused with a desperate concentration, and then she broke it before she could regret her decision. Her hand shook when she tucked the pistol into its place, and she moved away, pausing in the doorway only to speak, but without looking at him. "I will kill you if I see you again." Then, in a swirl of white, she was gone. |
Date: Jan 12, 2003 on 03:04 a.m. |
Premium member in Enlisted
     posts: 50 since: Feb 26, 2002 |
It was a few seconds before he was certain she was gone, and then he put one hand to the railing on his balcony to avoid falling off on his own. "I will kill you if I see you again." He turned slowly towards the outside, leaned on the railing and breathed in the night air. Somewhere out in the dark, there was the distant sound of a motorcycle starting, but he couldn't spot it. A few seconds of engine noise were all he heard to mark her departure, and when it had faded away he let his knees drop him to a sitting position on the balcony and leaned against the metal bars. His room was dark and empty, but there was a shell casing on the carpet just inside it. He had not dreamed this encounter. He couldn't grasp how close he'd come to dying; it was too close for him to see properly. He looked at his door. She'd left it open. Ghosts did not use doors. And Riya, despite his unconscious expectations, was no ghost. Her lips had been warm and alive, not cold and intangible. Her body would have been too, if he'd dared to embrace her. For all the time he'd spent at her side, Riya had been distant and inhuman, with only the barest suggestion of a sense of humor. In only a few moments, he had learned just how human she was. And she hadn't killed him. She could have - she'd wanted to - and she hadn't. "I will kill you if I see you again." But you didn't kill me this time, Koketsu. Someday I shall give you another chance. |
Date: Jan 12, 2003 on 08:51 p.m. |
Premium member in Fleet Admiral
     posts: 1067 since: Mar 05, 2001 |
Liam Hansen paid the driver and stepped out of the taxi. He stood before the casa de Altamira, looking around him. It was a nice house. A bit plush for his tastes, perhaps; a lifetime as a soldier had made him a minimalist. But the decor was elegant, and it was a very nice neighborhood. A taste of old-world values. He moved up the walk. Liam was not here to sightsee. He was here to cut a deal. And he was at a distinct disadvantage, because there were only a handful of people in the organization that could give him what he wanted, and the only man angry enough with the council to defy them and give it to him was Alejandro de Altamira. Liam rang the bell when he reached the porch, and waited. A maid admitted him, and informed him that he was expected, and that Señor de Altamira was in his study. She led the way. The study was on the second floor, looking down on the garden. The maid entered first, announcing him. He did not hear a reply, but the maid emerged again. "Entrate, señor," the maid said when she emerged. De Altamira was seated at his desk, working at an expensive computer terminal. Liam stood just inside the door, posture erect. "Good to know the whole world isn't starving under the IF's leadership," he said. |
Date: Jan 23, 2003 on 09:01 p.m. |
Premium member in Enlisted
     posts: 50 since: Feb 26, 2002 |
A message appeared on his screen, detailing Eric's search and its infuriating lack of success. It had been easy to track her down before. Why was it proving so difficult now? Perhaps it was only difficult for him. Why do you run from me, Koketsu? The distant doorbell rang, and he frowned. He didn't want to be interrupted right now, but he'd agreed to meet with Hansen for a good reason, and if he wished to continue his search at a later time, he had to deal with the matters at hand first. He finished reading Eric's email and was typing in an order to keep looking when his guest appeared in the doorway of his study. "Good to know the whole world isn't starving under the IF's leadership." Ejan smiled wryly at his computer screen. "We can't all be martyrs, señor. It wouldn't be good for business." He sent the message off and turned to face the ex-IF officer. They all looked the same to him, these turncoats; they all had the same build, the same carriage, the same hardness about the eyes. The mold of the International Fleet was hard to break; even those who escaped it wore the look for the rest of their lives. The computer beeped and shut itself off and he stood and crossed the room, his hand extended. Hansen's grip was firm and cool, and after sharing a handshake he gestured for the man to have a seat before shutting the door to his study and walking to the bar. "Would you like a drink, Mr. Hansen?" |
Date: Jan 23, 2003 on 09:52 p.m. |
Premium member in Fleet Admiral
     posts: 1067 since: Mar 05, 2001 |
"Don't drink," was Liam's reply. He took the seat offered. "I know you're a busy man, and I'm busier, so I'll get straight to the point. I need something from you, and I'm in a position to help you as well. I'm hoping we can be useful to each other." "I'm just a businessman, señor. What do you need from me?" "A business transaction," Liam said. "Rumor has it you've been in contact with an operative calling herself Noir. A private contractor of considerable talent, I hear. Except that the council isn't exactly renting her out for parties, if you follow me. I need a professional, the best money can buy, and I hear she's it. So I need to get in contact with her, through channels that won't upset her. "My end is related. Those same rumors suggest that you and Noir are close. And that she was hired to kill you by higher-ups with grudges and grossly misapplied senses of irony. That you're still here certainly suggests that either the rumors are completely true or utterly false. Now, my men may not be quite disciplined enough for the targets I have in mind, but they're more than qualified to off a few ironic old men. I could lend you a few, free of charge. Satisfaction guaranteed. With me?" |
Date: Jan 23, 2003 on 10:28 p.m. |
Premium member in Enlisted
     posts: 50 since: Feb 26, 2002 |
"So far." Ejan was not used to such plain speaking, but it did save a great deal of time. When Riya ran away, he had nothing better to do than to find out who it was that had brought her to his room. It wasn't just that they'd tried to kill him, though that was certainly a large portion of it. It was that for a few moments, he thought she'd come on her own, and Ejan despised being misled, in matters of the heart or otherwise. It didn't bother him that Hansen had picked out the service he'd wanted in return; anyone who knew the goings on in the upper eschelons could surely have made an educated guess. Riya was still a sore subject with him, however, and he hedged a bit. "I think I could arrange what you have in mind," he replied casually. "But I couldn't assure you that she'd accept the contract. If you could give me some more detail, I might be able to save you and your men some trouble." |
Date: Jan 23, 2003 on 11:00 p.m. |
Premium member in Fleet Admiral
     posts: 1067 since: Mar 05, 2001 |
"Fair enough. I've arranged for a pair of Command School grads to be occupied with chasing one of my subordinates. They've caused us problems in the past, and their termination is something of a matter of pride now. With a target on the bait's chest, we know where they'll be, sooner or later. I simply need a professional in place to wait for her chance. "I understand Noir is not often hired for extended assignments. Do you think she is qualified?" |
Date: Jan 23, 2003 on 11:28 p.m. |
Premium member in Enlisted
     posts: 50 since: Feb 26, 2002 |
Ejan leaned back in his chair, amusement on his face. "I have watched Noir for a long time, Mr. Hansen. When completing her short term projects she is swift, silent and lethal; there has never been a contract she accepted that she did not complete to the satisfaction of the customer - with one possible exception." His smile grew a little despite his irritation. "I have seen her perform under very difficult circumstances. Pain does not slow her down. I have seen her slip in and out of buildings and crowds like a shadow. I have seen her drop a target in a ring of bodyguards with a single round and walk past them less than two minutes later without drawing a glance. She is not often hired for extended assignments because those interested in hiring don't often have that kind of budget, but I have seen her track her targets for days until she finds a situation to her liking. She is not what you might call patient, but she is very, very persistent. She does make an occasional concession to artistic flair, but I think she could effectively track your subordinate without being noticed for his entire lifetime - however long you'd like that to be. As for the Command School graduates, I can guarantee you that there is nothing they know about personal combat tactics that Noir does not. If you can afford to secure her services, she will get the job done." |
Date: Jan 25, 2003 on 09:54 p.m. |
Premium member in Fleet Admiral
     posts: 1067 since: Mar 05, 2001 |
last updated at Jan 25, 2003 10:33 p.m. (1 times) Liam smiled a very thin smile. This Noir sounded like just the specialist he needed. There was, of course, the issue of the money...But if all went well, that wouldn't be an issue at all. "I'm not a rich man. And at present, the council won't even authorize my use of Noir, much less greenlight the funds. However," he said, looking de Altamira in the eye, "the reason I haven't been able to convince the council is because I don't know anyone on it personally. One sympathetic ear could effect a lot of change. And with open seats popping up right and left... well, who knows? Perhaps by the end of this, I'll have a friend on the council after all." |
Date: Jan 25, 2003 on 10:31 p.m. |
Premium member in Enlisted
     posts: 50 since: Feb 26, 2002 |
Señor, you are too full of good ideas to have room left for good will. His smile faded, replaced by reservation. "Perhaps. But when you put it that way, Mr. Hansen, it sounds like I might have more of an interest in this project of yours than I thought. If such a situation came to pass, my money would be involved as well. Noir is a very dear commodity, and I don't know how a matter of pride, as you put it, is worth her expensive time. Putting you into contact with an independent contractor is one thing. Placing my own funds at your disposal for an extended engagement is another. I would need more information before I could endorse such an undertaking." |
Date: Jan 25, 2003 on 10:47 p.m. |
Premium member in Fleet Admiral
     posts: 1067 since: Mar 05, 2001 |
last updated at Jan 31, 2003 11:01 p.m. (1 times) Liam's smile was gone. "Your own funds? I thought they were the Wolves' funds. And more specifically, the council's. And you aren't on the council yet, de Altamira. So let's get that ego under control. Your window of opportunity opens when seats are vacated, and see, here's the trouble: those ironic old men aren't stupid. The council, like you, consider Wolf money to be their money, and spend it how they like. And they like living. So any mercs out there good enough to present a threat to their continued vitality, they keep on, shall we say, 'retainer'. A handsome annual sum prevents the more ambitious underlings and minions from arranging their early retirements." Then Liam grinned wolfishly. "Can't be stabbed in the back when you own all the swords, can you?"You aren't the first upstart to think of icing the old bastards. So if you want them out of the way, you have only a few options. One, you can do it yourself. Good luck, and have fun. Two, you can send off for someone who doesn't get a heavy Christmas card from the council every year. Trust me when I say you're going to have to go pretty far down the talent ladder to find one. Or three, you can get someone you know to arrange it for you, without bringing mercs into it. Now I know of at least one pro you're familiar with, who happens to be a merc but is far too expensive to buy off, who might help you. But then again, if you could have done that, why wouldn't you have already? So I'm willing to bet that she's not an option. "Now then. I can help you, because you can help me. We aren't friends, and we aren't doing each other favors. I don't care what you do with your seat on the council, and I don't care to explain what I need your pro for. So let's stick to our own fucking business, hmm? I don't do politics and I don't play games. You're ready to make a decision here and now, one way or another. So say it, and stop wasting my time." |
Date: Jan 31, 2003 on 10:59 p.m. |
Premium member in Enlisted
     posts: 50 since: Feb 26, 2002 |
Ejan didn't really care for the tone of voice, but he could appreciate the point. Hansen was right; finding someone qualified to remove the council members who'd tried to have him killed would be difficult at best. It was an even trade; he ended up with a greater peace of mind and Hansen got in touch with Riya. Unless the assignment was more than it appeared, he doubted she'd take it, but that was hardly his responsibility. Even if the matter did make it all the way to the council for approval, there was no real reason he couldn't give it. And Liam Hansen appeared to be the kind of man it would be useful to have contact with in the future, if only so he could keep an eye on him. After all, this agreement made him a traitor twice over. At least he wasn't offering loyalty as well as an exchange of service. Ejan might have feared for his life. "I apologize, Señor," he said at last. "I do not often deal with men as forthright as you are. It is an unfortunate hazard in my line of work. If you will accept my apology, I will accept your terms." |
Date: Feb 04, 2003 on 07:24 p.m. |
Premium member in Fleet Admiral
     posts: 1067 since: Mar 05, 2001 |
Slowly, Liam's thin smile returned. "Good. That's good. Now then. Let's exchange information, so that I can get in touch with your people, and you can get in touch with mine." |
Date: Feb 04, 2003 on 07:31 p.m. |
Premium member in Enlisted
     posts: 50 since: Feb 26, 2002 |
The bar had probably once been considered elegant, but the downward slide of the neighborhood had brought with it a new kind of clientele, and Ejan was glad he hadn't worn the suit. The area immediately around the entrance was empty, but after he left that tiny bubble of space it was work to push his way through the crowd to the bar. The music in the place was just one shade softer than deafening, the kind of thumping rave music that made body language far easier to understand than the spoken word. He didn't like not knowing who he was looking for, but that was apparently one of the conditions his potential tracker had insisted on, and he was too much in need to decline over something that small. For months, he'd searched for her by himself, using only the avenues the Wolves already had open. When that failed, he turned to private agents, but that was equally fruitless; either they found nothing or mysteriously quit, refusing to offer him a reason and declining any further attempt to employ them. It was getting harder to find qualified personnel, but this time his contact had assured him that the job would get done. It had even been hinted at that this particular tracker had met Riya before, but Ejan had heard this before. Everyone claimed to have met Riya, but Ejan could always tell the liars from the truth-tellers. The liars were still breathing. He took one of the few empty stools and waved at the bartender before glancing around the room. He didn't know when the man was going to show, but he didn't want to waste his entire evening. The atmosphere was thick with smoke and the dance floor was packed with figures and impossible to see past, but he could make out the rest of the people seated at the bar, and one of them was a redhead in a dangerously short black miniskirt and a corset-style red halter top that matched her hair remarkably well. He passed the bartender a generous amount of money and shouted in his ear. "Envíe otro lo que ella está bebiendo a la señorita en rojo, de por favor, y uno para mí." The man nodded and moved away, and Ejan looked the place over for any new arrivals as he walked over and took the seat next to the girl. She smiled at him innocently and he grinned back. The drinks were delivered, and he was rewarded with a little more of her attention. Any tracker worth his salt, he decided, could find him in a crowded bar. There was no reason for him to go out of his way to look for his future employee. "Have you been in Madrid long, señorita?" he asked genially. |
Date: Jul 13, 2003 on 01:02 a.m. |
Normal member in Enlisted
     posts: 150 since: Mar 26, 2001 |
last updated at Jul 13, 2003 01:38 a.m. (1 times) Asuka had been sitting in the bar for no more than ten minutes. After skillfully scaring off one and blatantly rejecting two others she was finally left in peace. She twirled her hair around her finger as she glanced around the bar. She had almost cut her hair but had decided not to. She would have missed it more than she would the gun hidden in her high boots. He was almost late. He had a few minutes left to find her. Maybe she should have picked a more obvious meeting place. There was the overdone rose routine at a cafe... but she would have shot herself in the foot before she'd agree to that. Ejan. She had a basic idea what he looked like but she wasn't pressed for business enough to actually get off of the stool to search around the bar for him. If he didn't find her then it wouldn't be a huge deal. She had ten oher jobs lined up but she'd been told that this one would be worth her while. She was drawing little circles in her water glass when sensed someone sit down beside her. She rolled her eyes. Another one to be chased off. Once this meeting was over she contemplated going off and finding someone to have a little fun with but the pickings were slim from what she'd seen so far. She'd have to wait until she went back to Germany or France. She gave him a small smile not sure how she wanted to scare him off. Although, he was pretty cute. Maybe she didn't want to scare him off completely. Maybe build it up, excuse herself when Ejan showed up for the meeting and then recontinued the conversation. And if Ejan never showed up then the evening wouldn't have been a complete waste of time. She would have had her fun. "Have you been in Madrid long, señorita?" "Not long. Nor do I intend on staying too long. I'm here for business... although.. if something entices me to stay longer.. I may consider it. Do you come here often? I mean who could resist the bad music, the sweaty bodies, the overpriced drinks and the socially innept people hitting on you. It's a dream come true." |
Date: Jul 13, 2003 on 01:35 a.m. |
Premium member in Enlisted
     posts: 50 since: Feb 26, 2002 |
He laughed easily, pleased to have located someone who could hold a decent conversation despite the conditions she'd just stated. "I regret that this is my first visit, señorita. I too am here on business, but perhaps I could take you someplace more pleasant after that business is concluded. To dinner, perhaps? I know a few places near here." She just gave him a small smile. "I'm Ejan." |
Date: Jul 13, 2003 on 01:48 a.m. |
Normal member in Enlisted
     posts: 150 since: Mar 26, 2001 |
Ejan. Her eyebrows raised. To her knowledge it wasn't a common name and she doubted this would be coincidence. This was the man she was supposed to meet. But how much did he know about her.... She smiled and decided to find out. "Asuka. And it seems that whoever you are meeting is late. If they don't show up we may be able to catch some food before the decent resturaunts close for the nigth. What kind of business are you in? I hope not something dull like shower curtains." |
Date: Jul 13, 2003 on 01:58 a.m. |
Premium member in Enlisted
     posts: 50 since: Feb 26, 2002 |
He blinked when she mentioned her name, and he couldn't keep the surprise out of his eyes. With a name like Asuka and the hints from the contact about knowing Riya, he'd expected a Japanese, most likely male. The sleek redhead in front of him was neither of those things, and he sat back a bit so he could take her in once more. There were a lot of things she looked like she could do for him, but tracking Riya wouldn't have been his first guess. Maybe that meant the contact had been right. "I'm an industrialist, I suppose you could say. Family business," he replied with a little more reserve, still keeping it friendly. "And I would very much like to take you to dinner, Miss Asuka. We have a lot to talk about." |
Date: Jul 18, 2003 on 11:29 p.m. |
Normal member in Enlisted
     posts: 150 since: Mar 26, 2001 |
Asuka grinned when she noticed him pause slightly. She caught him offguard. Obviously she wasn't what he expected... maybe that was why she was so damn good at her job. She sat there for a moment picking at her fingernails and studied him. She couldn't make up her mind on whether or not he would be any fun to play with when business was all completed. Sure he was handsome... and obviously rich since he was seeking her services... but she still wasn't sure. He seemed far too overconfident despite the fact that he obviously hadn't gotten any for a while.. but she still had a dinner... on him of course... that she could use to decide if pursuing anything beyond business was even worth the time. "Do we have a lot to talk about? I guess you'd know more than I would. But dinner sounds great." She slid off the stool and smoothed her skirt. "You can pick the place. You know the city far better than I do. The last time I was here it was in and out. You know how business is. You can never stay anywhere too long because you're needed else where." She grinned just thinking about what might be going on in his head. |
Date: Jul 18, 2003 on 11:55 p.m. |
Premium member in Enlisted
     posts: 50 since: Feb 26, 2002 |
The first things that came to his mind when she stood was that she'd known who he was all along, that she hadn't given anything away, and that her skirt was considerably shorter than he had first surmised. "I do, Miss Asuka. I hope this trip won't be as rushed as your last. Madrid, like so many things, must be given enough time to be properly appreciated." He stood up as well and offered her his arm. |
Date: Jul 20, 2003 on 11:10 p.m. |
Normal member in Enlisted
     posts: 150 since: Mar 26, 2001 |
He took her to a very elegant italian resturaunt of which she couldn't pronounce the name. She couldn't help but laugh when she saw the looks some of the people gave her there with her skirt. He outfit wasn't exactly appropriate for a higher end resturaunt.. a club yes.. a four star resturaunt.. no. She ate some dish with chicken and noodles and some kind of sauce and some mushrooms. She couldn't pronounce the name of the dish but it was good. Through out dinner she and Ejan had casual conversation about nothing really. Idle talk. She probably wouldn't remember a word of it later. While he was incredibly hot Asuka only had the patience to do a job... not get one. She just finished her last job the day before and was bored to death. She didn't want to wait any longer for another job. Not to mention her contact told her that he paid pretty well. Money was nice too. She wanted to get some new guns but she wasn't about to spend what she earned from the last couple of jobs, those would go to her emergency fund... since she spent some of it on a vacation to jamaca a month ago... But she wanted another job. Something challenging so she wouldn't be bored anymore. He finished telling some story about some guy at some place at some time back when... she sat there playing with the ice in her water and stared at him curiously. When he was done she couldn't wait any longer. "So what's the job? Not something too boring I hope." |
Date: Jul 24, 2003 on 09:47 p.m. |
Premium member in Enlisted
     posts: 50 since: Feb 26, 2002 |
Ejan was beginning to like this girl. She really was a girl, no more than twenty three, but after thinking of nothing but cold Riya for months, talking to Asuka was wonderfully refreshing. She laughed, she smiled, she talked, but not too much. She showed casual interest, but not too much. Everything was very polished, and Ejan liked polish; when she brought up the subject of work Ejan had almost forgotten why he'd invited her in the first place. Then she asked about the task at hand, and he looked out through the window of the restaurant at the midnight blue sky and forgot everything for a second or two. "I am looking for someone," he said at last, his voice no longer playful. "A woman in your line of work. She uses the name Noir, but that is not her name." He looked back at the red head across from him. "I need you to find her for me." |
Date: Jul 25, 2003 on 10:55 p.m. |
Normal member in Enlisted
     posts: 150 since: Mar 26, 2001 |
last updated at Jul 25, 2003 11:12 p.m. (1 times) Noir. Asuka nodded contemplatively. She hadn't heard that name for a while. Apparently Riya had taken an extensive job and refused to take any more until it was completed. So she hadn't heard her mentioned recently. But obviously she was still alive because no one would pay Asuka her fees to find someone who was dead. Plus she doubted that there were many people who could kill Riya.. and doubted there were many people who could pay the money required to get someone to try to kill her. She kinda missed the girl. She'd learned a bit even from the short time she spent with her. Although she could never learn Riya's patience. It would be nice to see Riya again.. although.. what if that one girl was still there. Well.. she'd find out pretty quickly. And then there was still Ejan. "What makes you think that I would know where she is or how to find her... and why do you want her anyway?" |
Date: Jul 25, 2003 on 11:11 p.m. |
Premium member in Enlisted
     posts: 50 since: Feb 26, 2002 |
Her smile, her temper, her white hair under my fingertips...I could spend days answering that question, Miss Asuka, and it would never cover everything I need from her. But are you what he said you were? Did you know her? "I'm interested in acquiring her services," he explained casually with an admirably straight face. "I have a task I feel only she can perform properly, and I am willing to pay very well for her time. Unfortunately, I've been unable to reach her. I was hoping that, having been acquainted with Riya at one point, you might have better luck at locating her." |
Date: Aug 21, 2003 on 08:51 p.m. |
Normal member in Enlisted
     posts: 150 since: Mar 26, 2001 |
Asukas eyes narrowed slightly... he called her Riya. He obviously knew who she really was. She shifted in her chair slightly and shifted her attention to her glass of water and started playing with the liquid with her finger. "You want me to find her... well.. I haven't seen Riya since highschool. Yeah. We went to highschool together. Chased all the hot boys.. especially the ones with the sexy accents. Celebrated a job well done with a nice cup of tea. Ahhh.. those were the days... but you.... you are going to hire someone like me to *find* Riya only so that you can hire *her* for another job... Seems like you've got a lot of money to throw around if you're doing that. " Asuka removed her finger from the glass and leaned back in her chair and studied Ejan carefully. "Are you legion? Cause quite frankly I think she's getting bored of dealing with the pompous legion boys and wouldn't like it better if I didn't find her for you." |
Date: Aug 23, 2003 on 07:25 p.m. |
Premium member in Enlisted
     posts: 50 since: Feb 26, 2002 |
Ejan grinned widely and spread his hands as if inviting her to survey him. "Do I look like Legion to you, Miss Asuka? I'm flattered. I'm just a businessman - a wealthy businessman," he conceded with a self-deprecating smile, "who is very interested in finding someone, and I think you may be the only person in the world capable of doing that for me." He signalled the waiter, who poured him another glass of wine. "What I should ask you, Miss Asuka, is what you want in return." The waiter left, and Ejan's demeanor grew serious. "Name your price. You will find me very accommodating." |
Date: Oct 01, 2003 on 05:24 p.m. |
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